Warnings while updating

I guess I am a perpetual newbie. Always have more questions than answers.
So here it is:
I got this when updating Firefox in Manjaro. As soon as I saw the warnings listed below the process of downloading started. Should I be doing something about this?
Warning: lib32-systemd: local (239.303-1) is newer than multilib (239.6-2)
Warning: libsystemd: local (239.303-1) is newer than core (239.6-2)
Warning: systemd: local (239.303-1) is newer than core (239.6-2)
Warning: systemd-sysvcompat: local (239.303-1) is newer than core (239.6-2)
Warning: zeitgeist: local (1.0+1+g1bcc8585-1) is newer than extra (1.0.1-1)

I am using Manjaro Cinnamon.

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There are always warnings like this so you know what is happening. Before you do any updates that you’re not sure about always back up or do a timeshift so if there are problems you can go back to the previous state. Most updates don’t break your system and the only time you really need to be cautious is with Kernel updates or if doing a complete upgrade.


Thanks, that is a relief. I was only updating Firefox at this time so I assume all is OK.



This was a recent concern of mine as well and from many searches this is what I learned. This information is in addition to the info provided by @ElectricDandySlider .I am paraphrasing but I hope this helps.

The warning is mainly for information, and is providing information for the repo’s (sources) that are providing the files (packages). Depending on how your system is configured, the repositories that it pulls from may not have all of the latest updates every time you install and/or update an item.

Using just one of the lines from your example it reads:

Warning: systemd: local (239.303-1) is newer than core (239.6-2)

This is indicating that the version systemd on your computer (local) is newer than the version on the repository that your computer is currently syncing with. You can downgrade, but as
@ElectricDandySlider you should be fine.

If you are interested in specific information on this you might check the following link: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/best-pactice-for-warning-local-is-newer-than-community/11987/4

It is from 2016, but the info is relevant.

I hope this information helps.


A different type of warning;
“You are about to install software that can’t be authenticated! Doing this could allow a malicious individual to damage or take control of your system”

Of course, I did not go forward with the update. But I was surprise that Linux even gave me an option to update with this warning. I’m using the Update Manager. The patches are for ‘spotify-client’ and ‘ntfs-3g’.

Can someone tell me how this happen or what I might be doing wrong?

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If I am correct with this, it is because it is not their repository, but an outside thing which is available So what they are saying, is well this is here to be updated if you want to do so, but use with caution as we’re not sure about it. In other words they’re just covering their backs.

You are not doing anything wrong, but just take the precaution of doing a back up before you apply any (indeed it a good thing to do before any updates, but most of us don’t if we’re honest) so if in the very odd chance they cause a problem you can restore to the previous time without the problems being there.

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my favorite version of this is when i realize i didn’t create the backup just as i hit the enter button on the upgrade :slight_smile:

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A little worried. :thinking: How did I get connected to the wrong repository and how do I insure I am pointing only to the official Mint repository? I don’t want to put on patches that may be malicious.

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No you didn’t get connected to the wrong repository. It is okay to use, only that software is not maintained by Mint. So all they are saying is, look here it is, it should be okay to use, but just be aware that it “might” not be. The same they don’t maintain say Opera or Vivaldi browser software. What they don’t want is people saying It is your fault when I did the update. I have never had any problems with anything coming through this way and you shouldn’t either.

I hope that is clearer for you. **It is okay to use,but just backup before you do so. It is a recognised release, just not done by Mint so they have to say these things to cover themselves. **


OK thanks, I feel better now. What a difference from Windows! Never had to worry / be warned about any of their updates. Different doesn’t mean bad, just something to get use to.


This should have been a new topic because your problem is different.

Anyway. The warning could be because of different reasons.

A previous updated was interrupted.
You have used PPA that might not be supported in the newer version.
The GPG key for the originating repository maybe outdated. ( A GPG key is signed by the repository owner and your system keeps a copy of it. While installing Spotify, you might have added this key explicitely. If the repository now has a new key, you should updated the existing key in your system).

This not necessarily means you are under cyber attack. It’s a warning after all.

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Thanks for your input. I am beginning to understand PPA a little. For Linux Mint, isn’t there one official places for patches for Mint? OK, I think I understand from the other comments that non-Linux s/w might come from other PPA’s which Mint does not control.

GPG? You lost me.Where do I get a new / updated key? Where does the key get updated? New topic?

From my previous experience a warning sounds bad. Maybe in Linux terms it means caution.

Again, sorry for posting or replying in the wrong place and messing up the board. I got a warning while trying to update so “Warning while updating” sounded like a good place to post. Yes, my warning was different, but it was a warning.

Please move my posts where you believe they belong. I will not be upset. I am just trying to 1) Learn Linux, 2) Get some information from experience users, 3) Become an active member of this community, and 4) Maybe make some new friends.


i am not very well versed in gpg’s either. i think starting a new topic would be helpful so we can both get some further insight :slight_smile:

my understanding about the difference is that linux (usually by adding sudo to a command. which is done for you in a sense with an update program) gives us total control of the operating system down to the ability to erase most of the drive (with a bad command) while it is running. windows uses a different approach and starts most users off as non-administrators and keeps tighter control over the vital parts.

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Ah yes. What’s that famous Unix / Linux command? sudo rmdir -r * while at the root directory or something like that.

Just the other day, I sudo a grud command trying something and then Linux would not boot! The PC went into grud rescue, I believe.

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that is the command i was thinking of :slight_smile:

i made an error similar to yours with grub when trying to change my fstab the first time (luckily i was just messing with swap). definitely taught me to make a backup before i played with system files. ending up at the grub rescue or busybox blinking prompt can be a jarring experience the first time. at least it was for me.