OK - I’m using Wayland by default on Ubuntu 24.10 - and - disturbingly it seems the X Select buffer and system clipboard are not well integrated…
I hope this doesn’t mean the end of the X Select Buffer - 'cause if it does - I’ll be sticking with legacy X11 for the forsee-able future…
Sheeze even MacOS integrates the terminal clipboard, with the main clipboard… Why wouldn’t you?
I can’t test this on my other systems - because Synergy KVM integrates the main clipboard with the X-Select buffer by default…
The Ubuntu 24.10 device I’m using doesn’t have a 3 button mouse - so I can’t be 100% sure - as “emulate 3 buttons” doesn’t seem to work on Ubu 24.10 - or at least not the way I remember it… I guess I need to plug a bog standard mouse into it (i.e. I use “click the wheel” button to paste X-Select buffer - but I only have 2 buttons on this laptop).