What music do you listen to?

My listening is pretty much limited to BBC World Service and stuff from the 50s/60s/70s. I threw out the vinyl and the tapes. In the car, we listen to audiobooks. Never hiphop or heavy metal or most of what Dan listens to.

I like my choices.


Hi, Bill! Same here. I seldom get time to read much anymore, but there’s always time to listen while driving. But of course, it’s hard to stop a good story when I get home. :grinning:

Sheila Flanagan

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NPR calls those ‘driveway moments,’ when the NPR story or the audiobook must be listened to until it reaches a natural stopping point. The neighbors already know I’m more than a little strange, so no harm done.


Just to add to the question, what do you use to listen to that music… headphones, wired speakers, Bluetooth…

For Christmas a few years back I received the entry level alexia from google, it goes on first thing at wake up and continues until bed time. Greatest hits radio from my home town in the uk. Takes me back in time listening to traffic jams that before I have spent hours sat in.

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Believe it or not, I have an elderly Motorola smartphone that still recharges, accesses our home wifi, and lets me listen to anything available on the net. Insomnia lets me put in an earphone and listen to BBC World Service via our local NPR station.
The phone has no sim card, of course, but it makes a dandy tablet for any Android app. Using Firefox now but I think I’ll switch to DuckDuckGo’s browser for more security. Sure wish DDG would port it to Linux. Between books, in the car, SiriusXM allows me to listen to PGA Golf and more than a few music of the 50s/60s/70s channels. I don’t do that too much, since She Who Must Be Obeyed will usually sing along with ABBA or the Beatles.


Yes remember when they were the phone to have, funny how some brands just drop out of a market

Not out of the market, Paul. We just got new ones a year ago. But any old Android still makes a good tablet if you remove the sim card–better than an iPad.

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Thanks for the corrections they are just not on sale here.

Never really used a ipad except for repairs or updates.

Inexpensive Android phones should be available. Any disabled phone makes a great tablet; much cheaper than an iPad.

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The main issue for me now is screen size, phones tend to be too small. Guess my eyesite and age is a significant factor.

My phone is 5 inch, my wifes tablet is 8 inch but my new tablet is 10 inch… yes size is important :blush::sleepy:

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Just go to Amazon and search “Moto cell phone”.

My last 3 cell phones have been Moto. (Motorola). I believe they are a very good value for a budget cell phone.

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Ok i did a normal amazon france search and got samsung plus millions of cheap chinese.

So tried again specifically Motorola and yes I found them, so stand corrected.

Tried the same at local on line supermarkets and same results, but not Motorola so unless you ask you just dont get them as an option. Guess the french market is selective which is not a surprise, the french consider if it does not say NF (norme française) on it then its no good.

Still just getting by with my Samsung Galaxy S9+ with 512 GB SD card… (bought 2nd hand off e-bay in 2020)… it was EOL in 2022 or early 2023…

Thinking of replacing it with a ZFold 3 (2nd hand) - will need to get a 512 GB model (no expandable storage) - the absence of onboard storage on ALL the flagship phones these days, is a MARKETING decision - not technical! It pisses me off!

Anyway - the reasoning behind the ZFold 3 (not the Flip) is that it’s “pen aware” (you can use a samsung S-Pen) and - it folds out to almost a tablet in size.

TBH - I think the iPad is a better tablet than any Android I’ve tried. I’ve had two Galaxy tablets and they were both horrible compared to iPad. I have two iPads currently - a 12.9" pro (2017 model) and an iPad Mini (5th gen) - I keep the pro on my desk - use it as an extra monitor on my MacBook (apple feature called “sidecar”) but also to monitor my IP cameras - as the feed is much more reliable in the App than using vlc or mpv to display the RTSP stream…

But anyway - I’d like to replace the iPad mini and my smartphone with a single device - and the ZFold fits that role quite well…

I pretty much just use the iPad mini to read ebooks. It’s quite good - I’m not locked into any one e-book vendor’s ecosystem like I was with Kobo (although it was easy to use Calibre to “sideload” DRM free ebooks - but converting books crippled with DRM using Linux or Calibre has NEVER worked for me) - I can buy from Kobo and read in the iOS or Android App, same for Kindle, same for Google (never bought an e-book on Apple Books though).

I only ever use my phone to read e-books in dire emergencies (like when donating blood) - because I have sh!t eyesight…

I also use my Samsung S9+ as a speedometer on my scooters (I have 3) and my e-bike (I only have one) - the ZFold might not fit that - but - I can keep using the S9+ for that anyway - it only needs GPS (note - the speedometers on most e-vehicles are very inaccurate!).

Anyway - enough of that - let’s get back to music and discuss what a d!ckhead I am - was cleaning up my PJ Harvey (Polly Jean Harvey) digital music collection today - blase, complacent… Had 4 or 5 files in the “root” of my PJ Harvey directory structure - and rather than move each individually in the terminal, I broke out “find” - but - I’m getting over a severe headcold, and my brain is still a bit foggy, I neglected to put “-maxdepth 1” so :

find . -type f -exec mv {} misc-tracks \;
should have been :
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec mv {} misc-tracks \;

So - I now have /mnt/BARGEARSE/NASMUSIC/HARVEY-PJ/misc-tracks/ full of loose files and I will need to manually move each one back to the correct album folder! Doh! That’s on my NAS - and no - I don’t have snapshots enbabled… There’s over FIVE HUNDRED files in that “misc-tracks” folder! That’s days and days of fiddly shit…

Headcold : DON’T OPERATE HEAVY MACHINERY! (that includes irreprable commands in the terminal!)

Note - I have a subset of my PJ Harvey collection of the stuff I listen to via a Resilio Sync Share - so I can partially repair the damage…

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Is the gps speed more accurate than the built in system ?
Not in to gps, I would write directions on a cigarette carton… but I never smoke… causes a problem !
So end up with google maps for directions before I set off, then do it by memory from map images in my head, drives my wife crazy that i can find places so easy.

I dont speed, peddal bike is leg powered so cannot peddle that fast, my motorcycle is a honda monkey which cannot go that fast even flat out, more for fun than speed.

I used to write out directions (either from a map book - or google streets / maps) on a piece of scrap paper e.g.

L @ Morley Drive
R @ Wanneroo Rd
L @ Ocean Reef Rd
R @ Marmion Ave
L @ Burns Beach Road

et cetera… I’ve no patience to listen to any narrator verbally instruct me where to go… I’d probably smash the device and tell the narrator where to go :smiley:

The GPS is only useful in this use case, because most of these shonky Chinese PEV (personal electric vehicle) products have speedometers that have NEVER been calibrated - so they’re wildly innacurate…

My Segway Ninebot scooters - are reasonably close - but still generally about 1-2 km out (GPS speedo) - my no-name “offroad” (Dragon Cyclone Pro) high power e-scooter (dual 1000w motors) is about minus 5-8 km out (i.e. says I’m doing 32, but really only doing about 25) - and my e-bike is always consistently about plus 3-4 km out… And that doesn’t bode well for odometer / trip meter count - so I also use that “Speedometer Pro” app to record rides so I can look back and do some vital statistics… and add a grain (couple of kilo grams more like) of salt to the odometer count on the device… getting a more accurate count will also help me estimate my expected range before I run out of juice…


I use my Samsung as a GPS locator on the golf course, accurate to 5 yards or so. Still pushing my trolley since nobody has invented a pedal cart yet and I’m not lazy enough to ride in a powered cart. The phone app (Golf Pad, if you want to try it) is free, very accurate, and keeps score, too!

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I am a swimmer and love open water, but sometimes i get frustrated in not knkwing how far I swim between points and unlike walking where i can measure my stride arm strokes are just not the same in the water.

But not going to put my phone near water just to measure so keep guessing.

Just looked up the scooter , thats some beast you use. Thought the speed limit on these things was 25 km per hour. And a great distance…

My wife has gps and in the city is says turn right o. Blvd john Michael leclerc the third and by the time i have understood the bit about turning, then looked for a name I could be several km past the turn, especially when there are 3 posibilities at the same junction. In france to save money they put road names at one end and on one side, but you never know which side or which end… frustrating

We got our android phone wet once… just a few drops of rain…would not charge
It took 4 months sitting under the air conditioner/heater to dry it out.
They have very poor ventilation thru those tiny holes in the bottom edge.
We thought it was cactus, so we bought another phone and transferred the sim card.
When it recovered we got a cheap prepaid sim card, and I use it around the farm so wife can always track me.
Not ideal, I really need a folding phone to carry outdoors… it is too big for pockets.

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The number of mobiles I see in the rear pockets of young girls it amazing more are not lost… i am not really looking at there bums !

Water and electric dont mix, but one of my first french clients had a keyboard that stopped working, took it into the bathroom, washed it out in clean water, left it on the pool side to dry and luckly for me all the keys started to work again and much cleaner,

Phones are just not like that.
Did think about a rugged phone or cover but still thinking …