WIndows culture vs Linux culture

Keep smoking them ciggies, they protect you from the covid.

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Minitel… was market leading at least in France!
One of my first clients here back in 2005 offered me a box of old computers she no longer used and inside was one of these complete with cables and connections, spent hours playing just for the fun.
Very surprised 2 years later when in the insurance office they still did my quote using such a connection.
I have just donated my own se30 Mac and power Mac to a collector still working almost 40 years later but not much call for os 7. Old technology is interesting
I also have a Harley motorcycle so often look for imperial sizes when my box is full of metric that just don’t quite fit.

In ceea ce ma priveste…nu lucrez ca tine…dar folosesc cu mult drag…Linux Mint ultimul intotdeauna…Ubuntu…Ultima editie…si alte variante de Distrouri…Ultimate…Makulu…doar de placerea felului de a arata !!!Ce vreau sa spun e un lucru simplu…Că oameniisint ca oile …daca una oa ia in frunte gresit…toti pleacă dupa prima oaie.Asta inseamna windows.Nu inteleg patru lucruri oficiale si recunoscute…Licenta la Linux,antivirus nu exista,foloseste resursele la jumatatea windowsului si gratuitatea ACESTUI SUBLIM OS !Chiar nu inteleg…cum sa te duci la unul…care dupa ce l-a inventat(Microsoft)…îl infecteaza…ca sa-ti vîndă antivirus…ASTA ESTE O PRVERSITATE MAXIMĂ !!!CLAR ???Asta e parerea mea si mi-o mentin.Eu7 nu am vrut sa spun mai multe si ce face LINUX si nu face Windows !!!Nu intru in amanunte.Doar am vrut sa sun…ce gindeste UN OM SIMPLU…care foloseste LINUX…si rămine mereu uimit…de ce iese din acest sistem de operare sublim !!!

-ar putea să fie interesant ce aveți de spus, dacă am putea să o citim. Majoritatea de aici vorbesc engleză. Care to translate?

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Well the UK still use the mile instead of the kilometer.

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That’s interesting. I haven’t been able to get any 32 bit .exe to work on 64 bit Mint although it did work when I was using 32bit Ubuntu 12.04 a few years ago.

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The magic hex-phrases are “32-bit” and “Linux Mint”. Mint and Wine have a strange relationship. If something works it works great. If not…

Basically you have to create a 32-bit pre-fix as you install Wine, but Mint defaults to 64-bit. So You’d have to remove all your wine stuff and re-install in 32-bit–if Mint will let you. I’ve been using Linux Mint Cinnamon for years now and I love it. But to be honest it ranks near the bottom in getting Wine to work.

One of the great things about Linux it that you can easily set up a partition optimized for one group of uses. Zorin, for example, is really good at making Wine work!

A discussion of the metric system in the UK is here.

It states (in part) that " By the time the Metrication Board was wound up (circa 1980), all the economic sectors that fell within its remit except road signage and parts of the retail trade sector had metricated."
But the key thing is that the UK has committed to the change.
Even in Australia, which converted to the metric system in the 60s, there are still some people who quote pound or ounces instead of kilograms and grams (but they are dying off).

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Stop blaming the ‘Americans’ and start blaming the corporations and corrupt governments that make decisions for everyone. Most Americans are just as enslaved as everyone else.

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Every time I read Microsloth in one of these posts it really cracks me up! I’m gonna start using that. :wink:

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I blame Americans based on simple facts.

  • What is one of the most religious countries in the world?
  • What is one so-called “first-world” country without proper health care?
  • What is the country with a huge amount of creationists and evolution deniers?
  • What is one so-called “first-world” country with a very high crime rate (excluding Africa, etc.)?
  • What is one so-called “first-world” country that has literal creationists and mormons and other idiots in their government?

That’s all USA, baby. Only USA can call itself a first-world country while letting people go bankrupt, because they needed treatment for a sickness, they aren’t responsible for.

Therefore, I’m going to continue blaming Americans. Americans can change things with votes. Yes, politics are corrupt, but if the whole people stands up, nobody can stop it.


Wow! Thanks for making clear that this is not a community for me to be involved in. If you are so ignorant as to blame one group of people for the world’s problems, instead of the people that are really responsible – elitist, NWO, Agenda 21, corrupt governments around the globe – that includes your government where ever you live . . . then I don’t want to be part of this community.

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I’m not the community. I am one voice of many. You can go on my profile and mute my posts, if they disturb you.

I just don’t like it, when people blame others for their own mistakes.


@velarie2112 you can still be part of this community. @Akito can be / is, IMO, a bit opinionated and blunt sometimes but still gives good technical information. He is only one person in this group. I believe you will feel comfortable with most of us here. :grinning: He was only giving “HIS” opinion and that’s all it is. His opinion. Don’t take it personally.


You’re absolutely right about most of what you say, it’s just a little bit simplistic.

American capitalism is in a state of terminal decay. It is not a representative democracy, but an oligarchy with horrific inequality and institutionalized, legalized corruption. Its only “first-world” attribute is the enormous military machine that its rulers are trying to use to offset the inexorable decline of the empire through the use of military violence.

I think it’s a mistake to blame “Americans” as though they were monolithic. There is a tremendous amount of backwardness and ignorance in the US (as elsewhere), but that is itself in large measure a consequence of social inequality. “Voting” is nice but because the oligarchy’s grip on power is so strong, it will take nothing less than revolution to dismantle the system and replace it with something sane: socialism. Yeah you heard me.

But it’s also a grave mistake to continue thinking of the world on the terms of the irrational system of rival nation-states. That system has been obsolete since it collapsed over 100 years ago, with world war I. More than ever, the world’s problems are global – they have no respect for borders – and they require global solutions.

Whatever country you’re from, don’t be too hard on your American brothers and sisters. They share your interests; you and they have a common enemy.


Exactly. I am opinionated and I do not find it bad. Everyone has an opinion and everyone can decide to voice it or not. If someone doesn’t like it, someone can mute/block me, whatever. I don’t care.

I agree with the most part of what you are saying, except the “socialism is the only good solution” part. I also strongly disagree with the globalist approach, especially in the current virus situation, where globalism made the worst out of it.

@easyt50 @mister_bludgeon
While it is correct to a certain degree, that there is an elite, higher power, or whatever you want to call it – the name doesn’t matter anyway, as long as everyone knows who is being talked about – I strictly oppose the narrative of the type “oh well, EVERYTHING bad is because of those elite guys! I can’t do anything against it! I’m just the victim!” and so on. Like, yeah, they are in power. BUT that does not mean you can sit at home, blame them and do nothing as a response.

I want to change away from many people thinking in fatalistic terms like “oh can’t do anything anyway, because elitists are so evil, so I rather just sit at home, since, well, can’t do anything, anyway, right?”

YOU have to stand up.
YOU have to speak out.
YOU have to resist the pressure.
YOU have to start the change in society.
That is all YOUR job.

Just waiting for something to change without doing anything oneself, is ridiculously insane.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller


I completely share your distaste for defeatism and pessimism. But for me, having lived in the world and observed for almost 62 years, it is inescapable and obvious that capitalism has failed. In fact, the overwhelming majority of serious scholars, policy wonks, think-tank intellectuals and high-powered elite corporate executives, public officials and politicians (not to mention scientists and all manner rational, well-informed, thinking people) the world over are fully aware of this fact. It is a system in which spiraling inequality is an inherent feature (not a bug, but a feature :wink:). Reasonable people recognize that such a system is antithetical to democracy and quite literally unsustainable.

The differences arise over what to do about it. I advocate for socialism, but it’s important to be clear what I mean by socialism – and what I don’t mean. Not Stalinism, Castroism, Chavismo, or North Korea. Not, in fact, anything that has yet been realized in any long-term way on any scale in human history. I am talking about re-organizing the world’s economic system – emphasis on world, because nothing less will work – on the basis of social need rather than private profit. That requires that capitalism be dismantled and the world’s resources placed under the democratic control of the international working class.


Windows vs Linux culture?
Maybe we should start a thread on political views for those interested it it.
I rather see “It’ Foss” be about technical views.

We had such a trial already, but that was shut down quickly. So we need to remain technical. Maybe I should open my own forum finally, where you can say almost anything.


I don’t think this is the place to share political, sexist, racist, money, or any other personal views. Other places exist for this

Please can we just keep it to technical stuff

Ok I like Linux mint, you may prefer Ubuntu, etc and to make comments of one against another if they are constructive in one does x better than y but z has this ok …

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