WIndows culture vs Linux culture

My mother never managed decimal system for money and converted to pounds shillings and pence many years after.

Perhaps we need another forum on motorcycles
Just so I can get my book out

*Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

That is another measure


Hey @1crazypj - Great post and good to hook up with you. Perhaps drifting off topic too much here so PM if need be…

Just in case I’m not here - please check out my pen pal Tony Foale and John Britten V1000. I proof read Tony Foale’s book and carried it and the story come pictures of John Britten around the world as a design engineer to constantly remind me of breaking away from the norm and that being unique is nothing to be reticent about.
Never, ever, stop learning. There is so much of interest out there!
Having corresonded with the Design Engineers at Triumph, Norton, KTM and the design gods at Ducati (they do not suffer fools) my ultimate invention to allow motorcycles to corner harder than ever (see avatar) before will probably die with me. My CAS tilting cars was just a starter to gain street cred for this. HD copied and patented the dumb version eight years later - so predictable.
It does not matter too much about Windows - Linux but even here, thanks to it’sFOSS; you can learn so much and escape the norm - Windows and Goolag Android as I have done at 70.
I admit still using XP-Pro on the odd occasion to run SolidWorks 3D CAD which is connected in the back of my neck via HDM1 - it is just so intuitive.

That would be so cool but can we have a “Phone” section first - please? So that we can put a thruppenny bit in the slot! :grinning: threepence, thruppence, or thruppenny bit, was a unit of currency equalling one eightieth of a pound sterling, or three old pence sterling.

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