Youtube-dl misdirect?

I understand that. You really do need to use one editor and stick to it.

The binary might install. If not you could download source and compile it.

There is an argument for choosing an editor that is available everywhere.

I did say something that was incorrect in previous reply. .
Apparently some Debian derivatives take their code from Debian testing or even unstable , so it is possible for them to be ahead of Debian stable in terms of package versions.
I would call them ‘queue jumpers’ not ‘derivatives’

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Wow, I have always thought that Ubuntu was based on the stable release of Debian. “sid” is suppose to be the unstable release.

From the Debian web site “The unstable distribution is always called sid.”


Nice to know I was not the only one with that misconception.
It means Ubuntu is not really based on Debian, it is based on Debian-in-preparation.

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