I loaded that video stream into 3 or 4 instances of firefox… installed that CocoCut plugin… nothing… nada…
Update: I found this “CocoCut” doohicky - tried it in Firefox and Chrome and Brave - did diddly squat…
Nearly gave up…
But I persisted, none of the CLI solutions worked - there’s a simple way to get “hidden” or private videos from Vimeo in youtube-dl / yt-dlp, but no way to get “On Demand” …
The makers of Vimeo clearly do not know what “download” actually means (but what’s annoying is that ALL video streaming downloads some or most or all of a stream - so it can buffer). I still remember a time when you could scan the contents of your Google Chrome “cache” - all the content, images, videos, music, were there with scrambled names and extensions…
This says “Stream or download”… My ARSE!
Anyway - this plugin managed to grab it for me :
It plonks it’s own widget alongside / below the Vimeo control widgets, and lets you download YOUR STUFF YOU BOUGHT to your hard drive “for archival purposes”…
It’s just damned annoying I couldn’t figure out a scripted or CLI method…