Youtube video download free on Linux

I wonder if the playback system at the lecture was at fault? may be able to test that

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I dont think the playback was faulty as i had both celuloid and vlc as players. Vlc broke the images and became pixelated.

I downloaded the film twice in two different formats flw and mp4 both were faulty.

As suggested the source could be the issue. But watched on youtube fine.

I did check to see if we had legal rights to show and was assured everything was above board. But when i asked why not get the dvd from source was just told not possible but no reason given

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When you download it via the 4k, you have choice for resolution/quality, this defaults to something ā€œbest availableā€.
If you just play fron youtube in the browser, it defaults to a quality/resolution appropriate to the browser window size. Probably 480p. That you can change on the cogwheel on the bottom- right.
If there are problems, Iā€™d make sure to download the SAME stream, which plays fine in the browser.


I just chose best quality without thinking about the resolution or streams

First time i had tried it, when i tested to see if it worked it appeared fine, but did not watch the entire movie also with documentary quite often ther is sound or music where the film is just general so did not test lip sync

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