I belong to an association where we hold talks, conferences as well as social events. My role is make it work, not sure thats a job title or more of PAUL ! Especially around sound, lighting, and computer technology.
Tomorrow we have a guy coming to give a talk on waste polution, so this morning our president said paul he wants to show a video… ok, sound system, speakers mic, projector, computer about hours work to set up… But, the film is on youtube, we dont have an account to download, we dont have internet access as its outside away from main building, phone service in summer is poor for internet and costly.
Let me know.
Quick search on
Great site for info, recommend it!
Tried to follow
Command line tool for downloading YouTube videos.
And failed missed something to make it work
So now using
Ok it needs 64 bit linux, but got it running on lmde and although very slow even with fibre its done the trick.
Thanks to this discovered mkv files, which i had not come across before, normally use mp4.
I used to use a YT downloader, but not in ages. However, I did see one of my saved articles from ItsFOSS from last year on the steps for using it.
I think the only things I ever had isses with in using an extension in a browser was maybe some copyrighted movies, etc. And “no” I have never paid for YT or any Google services.
Why do you think you would need to pay for youtube?
BTW. I used 4Kdownloader+ more than couple times and the most I like about it that it downloads from a number of sources… fb videos, vimeo, for example, not just youtube.
If cannot download a particular video, it’s that youtube changed something, if that’s the case I’d report the non-working title for the 4K staff.
You can try yt-dlp too,
It was the yt dlp I had tried and failed, on reflection think it was my error but not sure where or why. I did not keep a copy of the error as pressure was on for a quick result.
Not sure if your question why pay you tube was serious or not. The origination of the film also has it on another platform and no charge on that just a ban on downloading.
The originator of the film is a registered charity where the money goes into research on waste effects in the sea and the boat they use for research. We regularly work with them on fund raising or awareness training so have permission to use. But for some reason they were reluctant to pass a usb or a dvd this time. French language in these discussions quite often passes over me ! Its just we need it and we want it yesterday, bit like a technical test for me.
The 4k downloader appears to work on youtube, i did not try it on other sites, again down to time.
We have 3 conferences lined up on waste in the sea, first female athletes in the Olympics (france is hosting this year hence the connection) and the history of jesse owens, the first black american athletes winner.
Only question now for me is on the day for the technology to work.
Linux to the rescue once again, my part is only quite small.
Be interesting to know how you get on, legality I dont have to worry about, we have a committee and they carry the can in case. I can cheat and not understand because I am english
So a presenter (talker) visits you, the film is part of his presentation/talking.
Do I get it right?
I believe you (your organization) pays this presenter for his show - is this right?
You just need to download that video from youtube to help the presenter because there’s insufficient or no network at the place he is going to talk, and show that movie for you all, right from youtube… hence the download…
Forgive me, I really don’t see a reason you had to pay, nespecially not for youtube.
If someone needs to pay, it’s that guy who uses that movie as part of his presentation.
You are generally allowed to possess one copy of a copyrighted work for personal
research purposes. That includes quoting it in a presentation. I did that all the time with written work , as a research person. Never did it with a video but the copyright law should be the same for video material.
The only requirement I encountered was that if you use something you should acknowledge its source, and make it clear that it is not your own material, ie not plagerise it.
I did not know that, thanks!
Countries may hve different laws anyway…
If that movie on youtube is a pirated copy, the “bad guy” is not that one who whatches/downloads it, but who uploaded it there to be accessible for free.
We never pay a presenter, they do it either for information deliver to a interested audience, or to promote a cause, so ,ast week it was the french equivalent to the lifeboat association as a fund raiser, they set up a stand and were sellin goods before the talk. Last year we had a guy who does marine mammal research on dolphins, another was a french african organisation fund raising for the village water systems and agriculture.
Couplemof presenters are from university and have covered silicon production to make processors. Another on nuclear medicine and radiology treatment.
I agree on the principal of copyright for own use. It just gets more complex if its broadcast to a group of people, so transmission of a film to a group of 30 people where the presenter is not the owner of the film.
I dont get involved in that side so not my worry. Just evey so often I email the association president and remind him that he is on thin ice. Discharging my responsibility. Similar with electrical safety, cables passing a exit route for example. Damaged equipment I refuse to use and scrap to be replaced.
After all, and to make it short: this all question about the usage of the film is the presenters responsibility. It’s he who included it in his presentation, does not matter he presents for free or paid - I think.
But I’m not an attorney…
I use yt-dlp all the time - admittedly mostly to just rip music that I can’t buy or find elsewhere - and I don’t ever pay them…
yt-dlp sometimes barfs on some videos - sometimes updating it to the latest fixes it - sometimes it doesn’t… I think yt-dlp fork of youtube-dl is better maintained - not even sure if youtube-dl is still maintained…
I also sometimes use yt-dlp on other streaming services - like Vimeo. But - it doens’t work on paid for Vimeo content. I posted about this a couple years back - there was a UK TV show I loved as a child “Grasshopper Island” - and the whole series was available to buy via Vimeo. I still couldn’t download it - but found another method, here :
@clatterfordslim later down the conversation mentioned an AppImage app he uses with youtube-dl “ClipGrab”.
Many years ago - I was the “VJ” at a party - showing Video (music videos) on a big screen TV with a ChromeCast - the only internet was via my phone - so - to save bandwidth - I just used youtube-dl to save locally, then stream (VLC plugin for ChromeCast I think?) to the big screen TV, and bluetooth to a big bluetooth speaker…
Tonight i tried to use the film i had downloaded with the k4 downloader tool… what a disaster, the sound chanel did not line up with the film. So when people were speaking on camera the sound was just music, when there were images you hear the speach of the guy before.
In effect the sound chanel finished 5 mins before the end of the film.
Why did i not test it before, just ran it through, yes can see images, yes can hear sound and speach, fast forward 10 mins check again image and sound. Never thought about lip syncing the 2 together.
Lesson learned, dont try to rip off films from youtube. Either pay to download or get internet connection closer by and do it live show.
What i do not know is if the version on youtube is faulty, so anoyed with myself not going to check !
I’m not convinced paying for it would solve the issue…
It sounds to me like the issue (sound out of sync) is a fault with the source…
I’ve ripped a fair few videos off youtube using youtube-dl or yt-dlp (and others) - and ever seen an issue with sound sync not matching the video… I don’t have an issue with the ethics of ripping from a streaming service - I have more issues with the ethics of litigous copyright holders (my brother recenlty got extorted by some claimant that he had copyrighted material on his website).
The only time I can recall facing something like that (audio out of sync with video) was either ripped DVDs - or transcoding VHS tape to digital video with some kinda USB video device that can take e.g. a VHS player as input (it was an Adaptec branded device with Windows drivers)… The most recent time I tried this - was dirt cheap noname thing from e-bay that worked out of the box on Linux and the resulting ripped MP4 uploaded to youtube perfectly - audio in sync on local mp4 file, and when played from youtube…