Bringing back password based login on the forum

This topic has been discussed time and again. Not everyone likes the unified login system.

The unified system restricts the entry to members only and also allows easier categorization based on the Pro and Free membership levels.

So, let’s vote and see what you, the people of this Community, want. What kind of login system do you want?

  • Login-link unified login system wiith
  • Password based login
0 voters

I do believe the current unified login system is helping to keep bots at bay.
That is a considerable benefit.


Keeping the bots at bay might be the overriding consideration.


Can we have proportional representation !
Dont know how it would work but the uk voters are asking for it …

Not another password to remember, i like thus system as it is now, i click forgot password it then emails me, i click and back it, easy stuff and great when i change machines

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I don’t have a strong feeling one way or the other.


If there is a benefit to the current procedure, then I say keep it.

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It should not be harder to log onto a forum than it is to log into my BANK’s online account system… The 2fa thing with the added links to click each time I want to log in is a PAIN IN THE POSTERIOR and seriously discourages me from participating… Passwords are easy, and if one does the registration w/ a decent CAPTCHA routine and initial validation response message most bots will be discouraged…



Do you mean captcha every time you login?
That would be more tedious than what we have now.

It is amazing the diversity of feeling on this issue.

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NO! (although CAPTCHA’s are less of a pain than 2FA or needing to click on links in emails…)
I meant a CAPTCHA as part of the process for signing on as a NEW user - which would make it harder for bots to get registered, and since they can’t post until they are registered…



Do we have a problem with bots ?
If they index the site content, then use that as a link for web searching, that should give more people access to the content, encourage new users, create new questions and generate more interaction …

We did have, before the new login procedure.
They were making fake posts… advertising, politics, and nonsense.
No problem with survey bots… anyone can read the site.


Before my time the fake postings i think, unless they were vetted by the controllers and i never spotted them.

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There were plenty of bots previously.

I am also afraid of AI bots. They could engage in conversation and waste time of actual members who try to help answer their irrelevant questions.

And it will be increasingly difficult to distinguish AI bots from normal people.

Only a few days ago, we had an account asking weird questions on HDD, capacitors etc. Their replies made no sense. I banned the account even though it could have been human account.

So, yes, the link-based login does have an extra layer of security, at least for now until bots get smarter.


That explains a lot, the 2 questions regarding capacitors and hard disk were both strange in wording and repetition but i put it down to understanding on my part.

By the way
i am not a robot
i cannot see any traffic lights

But a robot would say that !

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So there is an argument to keep it… or even to find something better.
How would one go about detecting an AI bot?


Guess we ask,

I notice when i log onto some sites and want to post a comment it runs a check but how i dont know, before i had to click.

Works better than the image where you identify objects

Cloudflare has a captcha that is automatic they say.


I thought the whole point of a captcha was to provide something that would defy any automatic interaction?


That’s what it

That’s what it does, but without requiring the tedious and sometimes difficult problem solutions or image recognition.


I looked but it is quite difficult to see what it is like from a users point of view. Their sites are all about selling it to web managers.
How do we know their solution itself is not malware?