Building a 8 bit CPU

For finding the 74LSxxx and 28C16 EEPROM items try Banggood and Aliexpress or e-Bay.

Frank in County Wicklow Ireland

Hi @Arghadeep_Saha,
Do you have any more news about your project?
You don’t need to answer the questions I asked. I know the answers. I just asked them to try to help you understand what you might have to fix to eliminate errors in your project.

Best of luck for your project
Keep us informed.


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Hello @arghadeep_saha I came across your post today. I am building the same 8-bit computer as you. I reckon you got over the ALU. I am having a few problems with it as well. I looked at the schematic you provided and I’d like to ask why you connected the XOR S86 pins to the 283 adder this way?

They way I read it is as follows:
Pin 8(3Y) from 74LS86 to 74LS283 Pin 11 (B4)
Pin 11 (4Y) from 74LS86 to 74LS283 Pin 15 (B3)
Pin 3 (1Y) from 74LS86 to 74LS283 Pin 2 (B2)
Pin 6 (2Y) from 74LS86 to 74LS283 Pin 6(B1)


It seems to me that connections should be:

Pin 8(3Y) from 74LS86 to 74LS283 Pin 11 (B2)
Pin 11 (4Y) from 74LS86 to 74LS283 Pin 15 (B1)
Pin 3 (1Y) from 74LS86 to 74LS283 Pin 2 (B4)
Pin 6 (2Y) from 74LS86 to 74LS283 Pin 6(B3)

I am not sure, can you please confirm if possible?

Thank you in advance

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