Copying files on internal disks

I have Ubuntu 19.10 installed on a new gaming computer. The PC has 16Gb ram…and is so slow… When I copy files from one internal disk to another I have speeds of about 7Mb/s This however can drop down till it gets to 500kb/s. I also have an extremely old notebook with only 2Gb. On it I have a 32bit version of Mint. When I copy files on it reaches a constant 35 Mb/s What I then did was to boot my desktop with a 64bit Mint 19.3 and copied files around… and I had 140 Mb/s. I cannot explain this at all. One thing I did do was to re-install Ubuntu, it didn’t make any difference. Anyone got any ideas?
Regards from Germany!

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Greetings Adrian,

it’d be nice of you if you could e.g. fill out the template I personally provided here. It will save you time summarizing your system specs and help us help you better.

Additionally, provide the exact commands you are issuing and please elaborate on what kind of data you try to copy from where to where. (When filling out the template, the commands requested will display the storage media you use, so you can precisely point to which are being used how.)

It would also be helpful if you could run

apt update; apt install -y smartmontools
for i in {a..d}; do echo "Disk sd$i" $SN $MD; smartctl -a /dev/sd$i; done

which will display the SMART values for your drives.

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Hi Akito,
Unfortunately I am in hospital at the moment…so not possible to get the data from my disks. As soon as I get out of here I will do so.
Thank you for the speedy reply!


Get well, I guess, in case you are in trouble.


Get Well Soon. :face_with_thermometer:

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Thank you! Polyneuropathy…not much to do unfortunately…

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Hi Thom.
Hope you get well soon.
When you can try some other Linux distro (like Manjaro) Live and try to make some file copies just like you described.
This way you can get an idea of whether the problem is hardware or software (which I think is what Akito is trying to sort out).