Fonts in Libre Office

I discussed this issue in a post last year, or perhaps even earlier - how much I DETEST the VAST
“cacophany” of hideous fonts for some obscure character set, that the likes of Canonical foist on their users…

e.g. I barely use any of the Libre suite, but, I do use Inkscape often, and I GRINDS MY GEARS when I’m looking for a decent font for a text object in an SVG file I’m editing…

URL to the original script that I plagiarized :

My version of his script has lotsa nasty swear words in the filename, and even more in the shell script!

Update :

InkScape is now almost feature-for-feature, on a par with CorelDraw - it can now do mulptiple (sic) page documents since version 1.2…