Google controls the world!

Its not often i find humour to share but whilst looking for something totally different i dropped in on this couple,

I have watched several of the sketchers but this one really made me laugh and want to share as it relates to google, and the future …


Google knows all!!!

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OMG!! And people think I am over reacting by NOT using Google!!

Case closed.


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You naught girl, bet you will not be on the Christmas present list, google has marked you down as being special!

Ha ha ha


Well, I think google is doing a much better job of controlling the world than some of our governments.


Agree with that.

Wonder now if AI can write better budget calculations for the government.


I am working on making my old phone Google free by installing Linux in it. Hope I will not make it dead because Google must be cursing me for even thinking about it. Google knows it all. :roll_eyes:


What you get out of AI is a transformstion of what you put in…in short the question determines the answer… AI is not free to be creative, it is bound to the scene you lay out in the question.


Guess like others on this site we will be interested in knowing how you get on. What you use and steps taken. Even if you fail a learning experience

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Are accountants creative?

Yep. Even the common or garden tax accountant is more creative than AI.
AI is one question one answer
Humans are one question never gets the same answer, because they think before answering.

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Not being sexist but a guy may answer Yes, where my wife will spend hours discussing and i will forget the question before the end, so is AI masculine or feminine… dont say either or neither… its a french word so has to be one sex !

Answer l’AI

That was abjoke by the way !

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Humans are working hard to make the AI achieve which they couldn’t… INDEPENDENCE.

Very much when it comes to tax evasion. :roll_eyes:

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And that is the point for which our wives continue their discussion… we will forget our questions and in their opinion, our questions and answers are always wrong. They know better. You will understand that eventually. :grin: (It is 2:29AM here while I am writing this because my wife is sleeping, otherwise… :cold_face:). But as the AI gives a single answer, it is neither male nor female because if it be male, we would find it nowhere as it will be absconding to protect itself from feminine gender and if it be female, then no human male would be in its vicinity after hearing its answer.

Note: I am not sexist but I am the truth speaker… every married men and women here should understand it by now. :face_with_head_bandage::face_with_thermometer::innocent::zipper_mouth_face:

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Think we could easily get into deep water with this !

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I remember when Google was a good search engine. Now it’s neither a search engine or anywhere near good :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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It still seems to find things for me. What do you think it has lost?

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“don’t be evil”
motto :wink:



I am with Neville on this

Google search engine always finds what i am looking for and offers other alternatives

Google is also my prefered browser

Interested to know what you think is missing

Dont forget the google bots search every site on a regular basis so if what its picking up is wrong then it could be down to the users entering wrong info for the search engines, but normally the bots are trained to know.