LibreOffice Writer format woes!

I’d be very grateful if someone could help me with simple instructions to format endnotes in libre office writer. There are innumerable rubrics on the web, but I haven’t been able to succeed after weeks trying all of them. All I want is to set up endnotes which will be numbered, in italics and superscript, but nothing seems to work for me. (I had no problems when I first started and the format was Roman characters, but problems began when I changed to Arabic ones.) I am going to try to attach a screenshot of where I am trying to make the changes.

Been a while since i did this but its really easy, only main difference is the version of libre office writer you are using, there have been some updates that effect menus and choices so you may get to a place where you have to make an educated guess to confirm.

The screen shot you showed is connerct.
So you have a section you wany end or foot notes.
So you identify a part a word etc and the format is then set as end note or foot note.

But you dont like the resulting text format.

You need to change the style but that is in a different part of the system

Here is a guide to styles

So you can either do this through the menus, format styles, go to the foot note endnote style select it then change the format of it.

Or on the drop down list from the format bar, right click on the endnote style and modify it

Here you can then change to text font, bold, underlined, size etc.

Sorry i cannot send you screen shots, as mine is in french which would not help you.

But formatting styles is all in the one box away from end notes options.

Je vous remercie. Je ne sais pas vous supposez que l’on ne parle francais. C’est la langue secondaire de ma famille. But English is the lingua franca of this site.
You have set me on the right path, but I am having difficulty in following it. I don’t know how I missed the link you kindly referred me to, and I think in due course I’ll get there.
Many thanks.

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Yes the site is English, but we have members from all over the world, with lots of different languages, except English remains the dominant factor.

Originally from the uk myself but living and working in france where most of my clients are french, hence i keep my systems in french.

Only difficulty it gives me is thinking fast enough in the other language… i know i want printers, but alphabetical its imprimer so i sometimes i have to search…

Sorry should have said, if you need more help on this or other questions please do ask.

Styles are great for controlling big documents, but not many use them correct and even less use foot notes or end notes.

Thank you once again. It’s difficult to explain what is or is not happening, but if I may take you at your word, I’ll go a bit further. I have written a paragraph in default text, and added an endnote. It is exactly what I want: an Arabic numeral, italicised, and in supercript. At the end of the next paragraph when I do the same thing, using ‘insert endnote’ from the menu, I get a large size ‘1’, even though it is the second note. I can’t get the format to stay the same. It must be something quite simple to solve, and I think it is affecting me so keenly because it makes me feel stupid, having to spend hours and accomplishing nothing.

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Its easier to show you than try to explain, but the site does not offer that.

So your first part works italic etc.
Did you modify the style or modify the text result ?

Stage one you do the end note
You select the result
You make it italic
Looks good
But only that time

Modify the style
Format menu
Select the style end note
Now in the box on screen change the format to italic etc as you require
Now every time you do and end not it picks up that style for the text.


Almost because it works for the end note if its just one paragraph but if there is more for your end note it can revert to normal style for following paragraphs. If that is tge case, then either select that paragraph and then select that format style.

There is something about following paragraphs in the style box but cannot remember how its worded in all versions. Something about following style.

The same works if you right click in the style selection box

Let me know how you get on.

I use the LibreOffice flatpak on Linux Mint, instead of the one who gets installed with the distribution, simply because the version bundled with Mint is ancient. The current flatpak version is

In this version in the style configuration window selecting the “manage” tab will get you some nice information on it, all of which you can configure. One of them is the “Next style”. You can select the next style to use when this style is finished.

Currently I use it to chain a bunch of paragraph styles. First is the heading, then the first paragraph has an indent (I actually feel this should be a drop caps), and finally the following paragraphs are without indentation.

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Thanks for the extra info
I have not seen or used the flatpak version, i go with the default standard from install, so not aware of the new features , standard does all i want or need.

The Next style, was the follow on i could not remember when trying to describe the continuation of one to another.

Thank you both for the continuing help. I have tried with flatpak, but it has made no difference. I’m still following several avenues but so far with no luck, even with a bit of help from the local librarian. I haven’t given up and will update when appropriate.

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Please tell what is not working so we can help more

Hi ljohn,
I’m having some difficulty understanding the problem.
Can you post an image of an example text so I can see what the problem is?
I use LibreOffice and can test what you’re trying to do step by step.


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Thank you Jorge. As Paul says, it is easier to show than to explain, but I’ll try.

  1. I write a paragraph and try to put an endnote at the end. I finally got the font as I wanted it, so I have a superscript ‘1’ in italics.
  2. I go to the next paragraph and tick insert endnote, and up comes a bold ‘2’, in the normal font with no superscript or italics.
  3. I’ll try to show below from the document:
    Para 1: 1. The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all’ ¹

Para 2: end with 'not in good health’2

I know this is not satisfactory in setting out my difficulties, but surely I ought to be able to set up endnotes in a particular format, so I am evidently doing something wrong. When I first began the project, it worked out of the box, except with Roman numerals. When I changed to Arabic, it all went wrong. I have also tried Open Office with no better luck.


Can you get a screen shot of the format style box showing end note styles so we can check we are talking about same thing

I believe like jorge it works but we are looking at different things here

Hello and thanks again. I feel that I am being quite thick in not being able to do something that seems so simple. I attach a screenshot, but I’m not certaiin if that is what you are requesting, Paul. I have become very confused as a result of trying so many actions on so many sites. By the way, I referred to Open Office when I meant Only Office, which is said to work with Microsoft Word documents, and my helpful librarian seemed to transform mine from odt to word. But no joy!

I don’t know this version I only use open office or libre office so perhaps there is a difference.

But the screen shot is for setting end notes

The one I want is formatting end notes which is totally different.

It should be under
End notes

This is where the style is created which the other points at

Thank you Paul and others for valliant attempts to help an ignoramus. However, I never make it past the first hurdle, this time in getting the appropriate screenshots. I obviously need face to face help, which seems not to be available in my area, so I am reluctantly giving up. Thanks for the patient advice.

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You may want to check your styles. It may very well be something wonky is happening in there.

For example:
I had a document which, for the life of me, didn’t format the title header correctly anymore. All the other headers were formatted correctly and my drop-caps showed up as well. What turns out? I had a character style other than the default somehow defined for the entire document. Once that was fixed, everything returned to normal.

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Sorry you want to give up, happy to keep trying with you.

No bad students just bad teachers.

The quick solution is just do your document with end notes as required
Forget styles

When finished go to the end of the document to the end notes and just format them , will take longer but should resolve your issues

Hi ljohn,
I’m really sorry, but I forgot about this topic, and I’m only now replying.
My sincere apologies.

I’ve been experimenting with both endnote and footnote, and they work correctly in my LibreOffice version

Using your example:

  • with footnote

  • with endnote

These are my settings, but in the version I use, I don’t have “endonote reference” for the Text area:

As mentioned here, you may have a formatting problem.
Try the following:

Do the same for Footnote and try it out.
I hope it solved your problem
