List of user installed packages

Just new in MXLinux distro packages repository -_- mm :yum:

Here is what it says

Yep their typo heh heh


Generate list of user installed pakcages.
Install packages from previously generated list.


why so :cool:

Well saves me the effort of writing up the exact same thing.
wanted to do this for a while always used to forget one two or three apps when I thought I got them, how things are truely improving in Linux

Makes the effort of moving to MXLinux all the sweeter and for some reason my desktop actually installed the iso and it’s working very well, using it all day.


Well I never tried installing packages from a list, but MX went smoothly for me too.
I had the best network configure ever
 For some reason NetworkManager actually works in MX. I even configured an NIC with a static IP address
 I have never been able to do that with NetworkManager in any other distro.

I did it at least 2 times in Debian, when I wanted to temporarily override the IP settings I got from my DHCP.
It’s not that hard at all.

Just choose “Manual” over automatic (DHCP) and enter correct values for the LAN.

Save and done

Can’t beleive it doesn’t work in other distros?

Nice feature, provided by a shell-script:

It requires Yad to display the fancy UI.
I think I’m going try this on my Debian installs. Thanks for mentioning it!
:smiley: :+1:

:grin: :grin:

Oh , it probably can be made to work. I just find the GUI for networking to be badly behaved in most distros, so I end up letting NM just do the dhcp link, and do the others manually.

In Ubuntu the following BASH script lists my user-installed packages. It may work in MXLinux, too. I cannot take credit for this, it’s something I found on the web.

comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n ‘s/^Package: //p’ | sort -u)

There was a topic on this.

Unfortunately the script does not work in Lubuntu
 the file initial-status.gz is not present.
Will check on MX or Debian

In Void linux it is easy
The command xbps-query has an option

--list-manual-pkgs Lists registered packages in the package database (pkgdb) that were installed manually by the user (i.e not as dependency of any package).

There is also an itsFOSS article

How to List Installed Packages on Ubuntu and Debian

There seems to be no general method that works on all distros

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Hello I’ve spent the last few days exploring MXLinux
Not bad at all
very well documented in the help files dept.
so many tools far more than most distros and the ones I’ve tried are well full of help docs that is something that makes anyone have confidence in an OS.
one of the toys is gui for inxi-Fxxxrza with two mouse clicks it’s loaded as a text file or direct to their forum
Brilliant work from them and more to explore still.

Keep that brain active install Linux

before I forget to mention I tried out the

comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n ‘s/^Package: //p’ | sort -u)

Got that from the linked article

That be in Ubuntu heh heh, I’ll try that see if it works in MXL Oh Yeah and that it printed out the complete list of software installed insane long list every little trivial little thing installed.

I don’t know if I will use the multi-app install in the terminal

sudo apt-get install program1 program2 program3, for 26 apps I’m sure it would work.
Trust The Terminal :smiley: Why not.

screenshot inc

uip-list huh that’s User Installed packages
Colour themes that in Linux l can make, say NO to eye strain,
wallpaper changes every 1 hour 2 minutes 3 seconds :laughing: 123
and simple monitor on left side with MXL’s on the right

Surprised when the live session started it had never done so in previous attempts
really surprised when the install went through without any problems

always had the idea like to move away from systemd (bloat), yeah it’s wonderful how it combines everything and makes task seemingly easy,
but it is not do one thing and do properly :thinking:
That’s a philosophy that goes back a while Hmm. :penguin:

Always said to myself would not go back to a roller
Rolling distros can be work and work when updates go downhill after downloading on the tty
Manjaro did that far too often over five eight years
EndeavourOS was a lot better for this machine, why the difference don’t know ?
Debian is just a bit too slow for software
MXL is a Semi-Roller will that make any difference to this Intel desktop box.?

That’s all
Keepin it short :grinning:

Glad to hear it because I find the same with MX"ahs"

always had the idea like to move away from systemd (bloat)

Systemd has a strange status in MX. It is there in the repo but not installed by default.
They seem to get by perfectly well converting a Debian base back to sysvinit, the same as Devuan does.

MXL is a Semi-Roller

I think that means it rolls until it hits a major release, then expects you to upgrade. Not sure I have not reached that yet. The regular upgrades seem to be more than just security fixes. You are not going to get bleeding edge stuff in MX , because it is tied to Debian.

I have MX controlling grub that boots several other linuxes(linii). No problems there, it handles grub just like Debian.

MX has two ancestors - Debian and Antix. Antix is interesting on its own. I tried it in a laptop. You can see the Antix influence in MX

Are you using Xfce MX-21.3_x64 “ahs

I’ve always gone back to KDE
MX-21.3_x64 KDE, with the 6.0 “ahs” kernel and ahs repos enabled.

Still it’s a guess why this time live session and installing both worked ?
This machine has some and is very weird little beast.

and that is the thing that gives MXL the good performance

Yeah soon as I read your comment
OH that’s yeah read that somewhere the last few days :+1: that’s what is semi-rolling.
Also I need to read up on the upgrading a quick look and seems OK
just command line nothing too demanding

TOO much reading the last few days
I did check the apps and most apps are a few versions up from vanilla Debian’s apps,
I don’t need bleeding edge.

Lots of Parent Distros and/or Grandparent distros have some interesting features about them.

Yes, but I use Xfce with everything. I did once have MX/KDE as part of having a look at KDE. No complaints
 KDE today is a lot better than 10 years ago.

Also I need to read up on the upgrading a quick look and seems OK
just command line nothing too demanding

I have done it with the apt-get command line, and I have tried the gui tool for installs, never for a full upgrade.
I have never installed anything other than from the debian repo. The gui tool offers more, including backports.
I have put in printer and scanner drivers with dpkg. That works just like in Debian

Installs with gui nice, nice and hassle free.

Upgrades and updates from this install onwards for MXLinux will be on TTY.
I prefered the TTY from using EndeavourOS and Manjaro it was always a safer option because any app’s gui be up and open not working just sitting there and would sometimes have a crash as the upgrades went in,
Definitely not good on rollers so for me on a semi roller take the safer road and use the TTY.

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The best roller is Void Linux.
Only ever had one hitch, and all I had to do was delete the old package before installing the new version.
I roll it once a week and it just does it
 while I am working. No reboots . Will recover from a download outage.
Void is not the easiest distro, but it is as stable as Debian. It just means the people doing the upgrades know what they are doing, and care enough to do it well.

Just for now I think that a live session of Void just to see and check out the software they have when it’s a rainy day here. :laughing:

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I was really only saying that there are rolling release distros that are not problematic

I realize that and feedback from other Linux Users is always appreciated because it is a vast system in a small pond.

Now there is a good idea for a thread , I just have to stop mucking about in MXLinux ,

Problematic HUH at my station here on the east coast I got a severe case of of PEBKAC
Oh I will play before settling into a fresh Distro
involves Backintime + rsynce + scheduling : the fix completely un-in then re-in-stalled Backintime + rsynce and timeshift for good measure rebooted after each process and yeah good as ( Hope) :idiot

Thats what I like with Linux I can try thing ehh don’t work, there is always a fix
just have to ask Tux for inspiration,
Linux satisfies the curious nature in some people ( those that have a pulse ) :penguin:


Cannot believe 2 weeks have flown past, every app in MXL works and that is good and the toolbox is a big list of .

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I dont care whether Distrowatch ratings are kosher or not.
There has to be some reason why MX is No 1

I thought it may have been because MX offer an “ahs” edition. Then I discovered Mint offers an “Edge” edition, which does the same thing.

It’s just a counting of how many hits per day/week/month one hit per day per person,
Heaps of room for deception , same people once every every day .

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