Please introduce yourself


  • I am Xander Hoogendoorn from the Netherlands.
  • I am currently unemployed, but have ambitions to become an author.
  • Linux user since? Like forever, mostly on-and-off. When I get a new computer I’m kinda scared to put Linux on it, but after a few years I do.
  • I use Linux Mint at the moment, but once Solus has their act back together, I’m considering going back there. I had really good experiences with Solus. That being said, Linux Mint is really nice.
  • I’ve been following it’s FOSS for a bunch of months now. I like it. I like the community more.
  • I would like to use itsfoss for finding new software and improving my desktop skills.

Hi @xahodo,

And welcome to “It’s Foss Community”. Like you, I use Linux Mint.
I hope you find your time here enjoyable.

Kind Regards,

Hi Xander,
I used Solus for a couple of years, and , like you, I have put it aside, but may go back.
The other really friendly distro like Mint is MX. I have both at the moment. MX is my main workhorse, and Mint is for an experiment.


Welcome to the community, @xahodo :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Guys,

I’m Dan from New York. I build/maintain websites as a side gig. I started with Ubuntu way back in 2005. Windows XP (remember those days?) refused to activate after I swapped a hard drive and the rest as the say is history. :sunglasses:

Over the years I’ve gone back and fourth on daily driving Windows and Linux but mostly use Linux for it’s security and its ability to breathe new life into old hardware. Debian based distros are where I’m most comfortable. I have a little experience with Red Hat based distros due to administrating cPanel based servers which run atop Cent OS.

The main it’s FOSS website has been a great resource over the years. For general Linux news and tutorials. With Reddit’s protest blackouts I landed on this forum from a search result and decided to hang out here as I prefer smaller communities anyhow.

My first websites were forums running on vBulletin followed by XenForo. I’ve posted on a couple of Discourse based forums over the years but haven’t spent a lot of time with the software up close and personal. I’ll learn the ins and outs of Discourse while talking about geek stuff. What could be better than that? :nerd_face:


Hi @DanTheManDRH ,
Welcome. We do have a couple of people who build websites.
i dont , I program… R and C mostly. I am from Australia.
You should find some interesting discussion here

Welcome Welcome… I’m from NY too. I used to build websites as well, and I’m very familiar with stuff like cPanel and CentOS.

Welcome to the community @DanTheManDRH

What do you use for building websites? WordPress or something else?

I am sure we all will benefit from your experience with Linux and web technologies.

Thanks Abhisek. I primarily use WordPress. With a little Drupal, Concrete5, and Joomla mixed in here and there.

My first foray into into websites was forums. They’ll always have a special place in my heart. I learned on vBulletin 3.x and 4.x. After that XenForo which is my favorite. I’ve play around with and supported phpBB, myBB, and a few others.


phpBB, myBB… those were the default forum software 12 years ago. Some older forums are still using it :slight_smile:

Damn! We need to start culling some Dans off here - there’s too many of us! :smiley: Welcome mate! I used to run a forum that I ran on my home Linux server (Suse SLES 9 I think) can’t remember the forum software was - ran on top of Apache - used Dynamic DNS and NAT rule on my router let users access it (it was a biker / harley davidson forum for my local area) … Apart from that - I did learn some HTML, and did stuff on Apache, and I once built a fault tolerant WordPress system on AWS (with clustered backend and DB in RDS) for a customer - but I’ve never done any “development” work myself…

You Dans could have a battle who gets to call themselves Dan. :slight_smile:


Is that a bit like the python sketch…
Dan Dan and chips, dan dan dan and chips, chips dan and Dan ?
Or was that spam

Showing my age and lack of sense of humour, sorry Dan, Dan, Dan,

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Hello everyone

Gave up on WinDoze awhile back and been running Linux apps on my Chromebook. Then about a week ago got a “new to me” laptop and decided to return to a full Linux setup.

Running POP!_OS (since that was on the eBay computer I bought) and running Ubuntu and Mint in VMs to test drive.

So far very pleased with POP but enjoying my three computers in one experience.

Linux sure has come a long way since my days installing the big stack of 3.5 floppys :rofl:

Nice bunch of folks here, been reading over you shoulders for a few days and seems like a nice place to hang my hat … :tophat:


Welcome to “It’s Foss Community” @Richard_Schaad.

Sounds like you you have a lot of experience under your belt. I hope you find your time spent here enjoyable and rewarding. My background goes back to the old mainframes and punched cards.

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Me too. I’m not sure what the age spectrum looks like here. Many of the regulars are similar in age I think.

There must also be some younger blood out there. Maybe they just aren’t as active on the forum or I’m wrong on age.

Oh know, didn’t want to give that impression. Only played with it a little back in the day. Really just a new guy. Much has changed (for the better) since my brief exposure.

Looking forward to learning.

I’m 42 and counting… lol

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Hey everyone!

My name is Jimmy, I live in Southern California. I am currently a SDET for a mid-sized company that makes software for Auto Insurance companies/Auto body shops/OEMS ect.

I technically first picked up Linux in 2016, but stopped for a few years but not for any specific reason. I had mostly used it for classes/projects/research so I guess I never considered it for desktop work. Currently using Ubuntu just because that is what I used before, but I am interested in other distros. I do have a VM with EndeavourOS which I have played around with and I might do a bit more.

I started using It’s Foss (and The Linux Handbook) around in October of 2022. I would ask a question like “How do I set up flatpak?” or something and usually one of the first results on Duck Duck Go would be either It’s Foss or The Linux Handbook. The articles always answered my question, so I just started reading them just to see what else I could learn.

Glad to be here!


Welcome to the family Jimmy. Maybe I can learn some programming from you. lol