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Not quite…

Wenhave french and then each region a variation such as Charente-Maritime, here we have catalan and across the lake we have occitanie both have different words, sounds and use. All claiming to be original french from before france existed.


I am glad Australia does not have that dialect issue… at least not in English.
Indigenous Australians have dialects… so varied they are almost different languages.

It is probably more correct to say French is derived from Latin… so is Spanish. They are called Romantic languages… meaning derived from Roman, nothing to do with romance.


Funny i try to talk to my french wife in french all the time. But she knows when i am anoyed over something as i drop back to english.

French the language of love, english hmmmm

Perhaps thats why, thinking of its base she picks up languages so easy and can just drop into spanish or italian so easy.

For me not the same,


Ability to learn a language in an instinctive manner declines from about age 12.
After that it becomes a slog to learn and use the gramner and ideom.


French taught outside of France is Français parisien correct? And that’s the official language of the nation.

But - apart from Bretagne, and some Basque (and Arabic dialects spoken by those of Algerian descent) - all other languages are still “Romance” languages descended ultimately from vulgar latin as spoken by commoners… But not by the nobility and senators - I reckon you would have been thrown out of the senate if you spoke the vulgate.

I believe Bretagne still can’t get government support to be recognised as an official language, nor schools offered support to teach it - I think language extinction is a tragedy anyway…

All Romance languages, even including Italian, are survivors, or descendants of vulgar latin, i.e. Spanish (i.e. Castillian), Portuguese, Galician, Catalan, Occitan, French, Gallo-Romance languages of Switzerland south Eastern France and parts of North West Italy, Sicilian, Venetian, (actually there were quite a few different languages / dialects spoken in Italy before Garibaldi united it - take Calabrian - 200 years ago a Calabrian would have trouble having a conversation with someone from Rome*), and of course Romanian (I’m sure I’ve missed a few).

* just like in modern times - someone from Essex may have a hard time understanding someone speaking Yorkshirese :smiley: :smiley: - true story - in 1972 my parents took us to Europe, and our return journey was aboard an ocean liner called the Ellenis - which departed Southampton packed to the seams with 10 pound poms destined for downunder. Mealtimes were separated into kids’ sittings, and adult settings. My parents shared a dinner table with a couple from Yorkshire, and had a hard time understanding the dialect, e.g. something like “please pass the salt” in Yorkshirese is “puss-olt” :smiley: - and my wife is a Yorkshire lass - and told me about her cousins would say “gotschool otbus” (which is “go to school on the bus”)…


Imagine being 12 again and going back through life …

We run kids clubs during the summer here and its amazing to hear kids from other countries just flick between there own language and others without hesitation.

I have given up on grammar unfortunatly, i concentrate on talking and most of the time being understood. But if it comes to written stuff my wife translates what i would say and write to be correct.

Yes a long time ago i was 12, now at 43 (shoe size) bit past that


Very much easier to understand the yorkshire phrases. I did not with my dad the older he got the broader the accent became, to such a level i could not always follow.

You can take the man out of yorkshire but you can’t take yorkshire out of the man !
You can alway tell a yorkshire man, but you can’t tell him much !


There is a general tendency across most of England to shorten names.

eg) the well known story about St Augustine of Canterbury. When he arrived in Canterbury the Brits felt uncomfortable with Augustine and called him Austin.
It became a well known British surname.
One of them, Herbert Austin , founded the Austin Motor Company, the famous car factory that made Lancaster bombers during the war.
So there is a motor car with a saints name, sadly no longer in production. They merged with Morris to become BMC.


No longer sure anything is produced in the uk…
Especially cars, motorcycles. Even steel.
Or am i just bitter

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…a bit late to the party…

I could swear I saw the 3rd one in Stargate

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It is not the UK, it is universal trend.
When a technology first starts, it appears in a wide spectrum of varieties… like all the British cars. Then , as it matures, it all reduces to one variety. All modern cars look the same. UK was just the victim is this trend.

The same happened in computers. When PC’s first came out thar were a bewildering variety of designs. Now there is just Intel and AMD and they are quite similar anyway.


Modern cars do nothing for me, i dont want to swap my 15 year old renault as i cannot see anything better.

I never know what the processor is in a computer as it never makes a difference. When asked what should i buy new computerwise always difficult to answer, just memory and disk size.

It would appear now most dont want to work in the westen world so everything is made elsewhere

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It may be that we poisoned our ecomomies by letting wages get too high.
It may be that everything we do depends on cheap labour to be viable… so we have not really abolished slavery, we just outsourced it
The Roman Empire depended on slavery.
Every nation since then has depended on it too… they just hide it.


Easy to see how we could have a debate on how society is changing the cause and effect

check out Triumph motorcycles! 100% designed and manufactured in ol’ Blighty… Sure they probably outsource some bits - e.g. the best braking systems are Brembo from Italy - even Harley were using them for a while…
If my Harley ever gets fixed - and I can sell it - and if I ever decide to get another motorcycle - Triumph is on my wishlist - but I’ll be honest - I kinda like the stuff that comes out of Bavaria (BMW) for motorcycles…

that’s basically capitalism - they need to prove constant growth - they either :

  • ramp up prices
  • scrimp on costs
  • seek lower manufacturing costs (i.e. sweat shops etc)
    It’s unsustainable on a finite planet… I don’t know the answer - it might be lurking somewhere like Scandinavia :smiley:

Not had a triumph for a long time, some 40 years ago i went to buy a bonneville, guy took me out on the back trying to impress for the sale, never leaned as far on a bike, scraping the foot pegs almost total of the curve in both directions, but when we got back and i saw the crankcase leak oil thought not for me.

My dad had a bsa, he wanted to get a norton but mother said no. Dream machine bonnie engine in norton featherbed frame !

Sorry was this a it group ?


Why the growth need? Cant capitalism function in a steady state system?

Sorry, we are hijacking the topic here.

Hi László, :wave:

Just looked it up.

It seems indeed to be the Swedish


Curious: A Swedish person would prounounce it “Stargote” then. :wink:

Perhaps it was done for visual effect only. :thinking:

Cheers from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


They stopped offering a class in Latin the year I started high school or maybe the year before.


I am told what you never had you don’t miss