The efivar question

Dear @ubhat,
In first place accept my apologies if my intervention in your thread would’t be what you need to solve your problem but I don’t have much knowledge about Linux.

I had a similar problem with Mint 19.2 when I tried to install it in UEFI mode. In my case, the installation create the ESP partition was empty.
My MINT install was different from yours but you could have same problem has I did.

I don’t know if you need to the same procedure when you install via DVD but I installed it via PEN DRIVE and, after POST ( before appears GRUB or windows) I need to press, in my case, F11 key to choose the boot option and choose between 2 options to PEN DRIVE:


If I don’t choose run PEN DRIVE in UEFI, the MINT installation was done in legacy BIOS

Please check if you can choose between these two options for DVD too

Take a look to my thread for more information.
It’s totally different from yours problem but please read the part about I can’t install MINT in UEFI MODE

Once again, sorry about my intervention in your thread and please follow @Akito’s and @abhishek’s instructions

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