What is your present Browser for Linux?

I potentially use up to 6 computers… sometimes more…

I have ALL the same bookmarks and cached settings, and yeah, cached usernames and passwords… I’d be stuffed if I had to remember usernames and passwords for everywhere on up to six computers, and it’s not ALWAYS passwords, but it’s nearly ALWAYS usernames… e.g. one customer I have, has some devilish sadistic algorithm that sorta “round robins” (but it’s so random, it’s probably not round robin) which RDP server (i.e. RDP on port 389 to a Windows server) is going to answer your request, so I need Chrome sync’d between those two, as there’s a bunch of things I need to login to there - e.g. vSphere for manage VMware.

I mostly use Brave these days, I don’t understand how it does, what it does, under the hood, but it works (it’s a bit slower than Chrome, initially but eventually catches up).

I use my google account with BOTH Chrome and Firefox, for Sync.

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OK, I see, you use an external agent (google).
I could not see how 2 computers could sync their browsers without a helper.

The beauty of having that sync’d, is even EXTENSIONS are sync’d, and I kinda / sorta need the convenience of the chrome-gnome-extensions, chrome extension, i.e. I can install gnome extensions from Firefox - it remembers my password to https://extensions.gnome.org/

As a gnome user, this is de rigeur for me…

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Firefox. My go to alternative if I need a Chrome Browser is Brave.

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I use Librewolf :slight_smile:
and when I need to test something or just test compatibility then I use ungoogled-chromium.

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My favourite browser is Firefox and Tor which I am using all the time whether its my phone and my desk.

I guess also better to ask, what search engine you are using in your browser ? I’d say I use DuckDuckGo. https://duckduckgo.com/

What next ??

Brave, Brave, and Brave… except when it’s MS Edge (I find it works well with corporate shite that is mostly Microsoft anyway - e.g. I use my Corp / Enterprise work account for sync) :

Love this :

I"ve been using ungoogled-chromium for 6 months or so on my desktop, and Bromite (basically ungoogled-chromium for Android) on my android phone. Takes a minor amount of fiddlin". u-g is the sandboxed version from Eloston on GitHub.

This post on the Linux Mint forums gives the lowdown:


Top half of the post is for basic chromium (googled version), bottom half is for the ungoogled-chromium from Eloston.

Firefox is my default browser, Brave is used for multimedia, and Chrome is basically just to view my Google Calendar and Gmail.

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I use Sear X the custom search Engine
Here is the video if you need

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I’m stuck with a low-end iPhone–long story, involving a contract and a stubborn wife. Abandoned Safari as a leaky risk and adopted the DuckDuckGo browser. Works beautifully! Might try using Wine to use it in Linux, since there’s no Linux port.

Aha good to know they have it going finally.

That does not make sense to me.
I guess they’re testing out to see what sort of response they get?
Then and only if the response is good, they might consider a Linux port?

I guess they’re testing out to see what sort of response they get?

Who the hell knows what they’re thinking? The browser seems to be downloadable to Windows and Mac systems, as well as the Android and IOS apps.