I ran the above open source tool to check Windows 11 compatability with my computer and to my surprise, it was missing 1 component from the checklist.
According to the article, a TPM module should exist on most modern laptops, however it’s not unusual for self-built computers to miss them. It’s also not that straight-forward to manually add a TPM to the motherboard, manually.
Seems like Windows 11 requirements are not that straight forward, after all.
It seems like in my initial assessment based on first impressions of the requirements, I completely waved off the TPM thing,
Apparently, not the CPU and RAM requirements are the culprit, but this TPM requirement. While I can understand requiring that from a technical perspective, it at the same time wonders me that it’s apparently normal for self-built computers (i.e. motherboards bought on their own) to usually not incorporate such module. This way, Windows 11 pushes away enthusiasts and people who know what they are doing to favour the ones buying laptops or simply people who do not know that much about computers.
I wonder how exactly it’d be possible for most people to install the TPM module manually and how much of a hassle it’d be in actual practice.
If it’s really a big thing, perhaps it will be possible to run a limited Windows 11 on non-TPM enabled computers.
One thing is for sure though, motherboards will probably now get TPM 2.0 all over the place…
All that said, it doesn’t bother me. I just wondered, that I was missing one of the things in the checklist shown through the open source tool linked above. I’m not particularly hot for Windows 11. I am not interested in upgrading, unless they show me something that really is something new and actually useful, instead of a “nice gadget” like Windows Hello or whatever. I just want the really good stuff.
Windows 10 allowed DirectX 12 and other stuff I have already forgotten about. That was some new stuff!
Windows 11, what new features do you offer me besides some funny little gadgets and UX changes?