Windows 11 Requirements

True. However, the computers that have only little power increase or barely any increase in performance, are much more efficient and use much less electrical power. So, even if you upgrade from old specs to barely better specs, it still might be worth it, because of the money you save through the electrical power bill.

It’s simply not worth it to use “old computers” because of money. People who say this look at their old computer smiling, but never look at their power bill. If they would look at both, they would probably throw out that old junk ASAP. Well, at least if they live in a developed country where the power bills are already super high. Perhaps living in some backass country in nowhere the power bills might still be very low, I’m not sure.

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:+1: :+1: :+1:

I think I already expressed myself somewhat better than here.



I reckon, this is a terrible attitude. In Europe, we don’t have to deal with this problem, because we ship our electronic waste, redeclared as “secondary resources” to Africa and Asia.

The terrible environmental impact of producing and getting rid of all the electronics is simply outsourced to poorer regions of the world. Corruption doesn’t happen only at the receiving side of the game. The major problem is at the paying side. Whilst in poor countries it is hard and difficult to fight corruption, in the wonderful West, it’s not even criminal to bribe foreign officials (as long as it happens outside the European Union). It’s even tax deductible.
No wonder that corruption flourishes in poorer countries.

There’s never a shortage of whores, as long as the Johns’ pockets are deep enough.

So yes, newer hardware saves electricity, however, the environmental and social cost of replacing working, yet not so fancy, equipment with new hardware doesn’t appear on your energy bill but is borne by children in the Congo and Bangladesh.


I always tought, “electronic waste” gets recycled, stuff separated, extract steel, copper, gold, etc, grind plastic parts, and so on… thus reducing the need to mine for new ores, materials etc.
We have containers near the warehouses such as Mediamarkt, Euronics, Saturn, etc., where people can just drop in their old monitors, VHS players, even computers, and similar stuff.
So, if they just take this waste to poorer countries instead of recycling, I think it’s just another waste of energy because of the transfer, so this is a huge problem!

To be fair, there are a few companies that really put a lot of effort in checking whether their foreign producers are abiding the local law and universal human rights. Those producers offer a better quality of work life, than the average in that particular region.
However, even then the producers still do crap to spend less money and break rules.
It’s very hard for a European company to be so sure about what the producer does behind the doors, when nobody is there to check them. Sometimes, it’s just impossible to check and make sure they are working according to the rules.

Additionally, it’s a devious circle, which the good parts of the industry can do nothing against. Who will be the first to sacrifice their profits? It does not work like that. If 90% are corrupt and doing “evil” things, then you simply cannot survive being the 10%. You are doomed to be a failure and lose your company. So even the good people and businessmen are forced to at least partially break the rules to stay competitive.
Now, that makes a majority breaking the rules. So, when you are new to the scene and want to abide all the rules, you are again sucked into this hole of exploiting your workforce, etc. essentially becoming a bad company holder, when in actuality you don’t want to be and in your heart are not.

What I’m saying: it’s not so simple to just blame the investing companies here. It’s sometimes really hard for them. Yes, most of them do not care that much and suck, but some of them really care and still cannot accomplish the task of properly checking if everything’s alright in their foreign producers’ companies.

A very simplified example, that only points out the most obvious aspects:

I am “EU Company”.
I go to India and pay for my waste to be disposed of, properly.
I discuss.
I tell them to follow the rules.
They show me the warehouse, where all the trash is disposed of, properly.
Again, I discuss.
Again, I tell them, either they follow the rules, or we will break the deal as soon as we notice a rule was broken.
Again, I force the rules upon them and tell them to abide them, because it is extremely important to me.
They repeat and repeat, “yes, we abide the law, of course”.

As soon as I step out that door, my trash gets dumped into the river.

What can I, “EU Company”, do, which will not ruin my company financially?

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It usually gets collected by children in developing countries like India and parts of Africa. They do all the separation and sell the scraps to local purchasers.

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I wasn’t aware of that.

In India We have the mindset of greed so what we do in India do you know ??
Instead of recycling :recycle: it we resell it to second person when it becomes old or non funtional only for few ruppees :moneybag:🪙

I’ve understood your statement that new computers consume less electricity. :slight_smile:

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I know that my builds will last till way into the 2050’s because now of the pandemic slowing down manufacturing of chips for computers, as they are concentrating on chips for new cars and other vehicles. In Korea and China they are starting to build fresh electronic factories to make new CPU’s in, their goal being able to make CPU’s and Graphic Cards, but the problem is they won’t be ready to start till the middle of 2023. What we will see is an influx of recycled parts being used for new computers, to be Windows 11 ready. I for one hope I won’t have to use it, as it looks ugly and since Windows 8 Microsoft have gone down hill, with their decision making and how their desktop should be, in my opinion. Make it snappy like XFCE is, bring more control to the user and make more of the proprietary stuff open sourced, for community programmers to have a go at. I can dream too. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I read somewhere recently, that Microsoft have fixed BSOD (blue screen of death) issues from Windows 11… onwards…

Yeah - true story… They’re going to make Blue SOD go away by making it Green…


Windows is stupid
If you run into various types of issues like BSOD ,Unstablity ,Slow Downs etc
Which requires you to fix many problems as per my experience which is again time consuming.

In Windows 🪟
You have to adopt the practice of rebooting your computer multiple times which will make you mad .

I don’t like about it
Driver Issues
Slow Downs
100 problems when you use your Windows computer during your lifetime .
Been using it for a long time .

All these issues may happen on Linux, too.


Yes but they’re rare in Linux
Because Linux features stability and reliability .

I know it may not be for everyone but I’d urge 99%+ of users to give ChromeOS a try - if you don’t have access to a Chromebook you can probably run Cloudready on your device. Have a go - you won’t be sorry. I’ve been involved with all kind of computers since 1971 and believe me I do know a thing or two. Don’t be put off by those who diss the OS as quite frankly they obviously don’t know what they are talking about. :-))

Does ChromeOS work without using Google in any way?

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No. They own and maintain the OS (which is fine by me) but once logged on you can please yourself what you run, including Chrome OS Apps, Android Apps, Linux containers, and if you go ‘enterprise’ you can run Windows stuff on higher spec kit - but why would you want to ???

Well, okay, it’s fine by yourself, but then you cannot say:

Because others might have different priorities, than you. Perhaps, it does not matter to you, that you are supporting a company that kills more projects than a terrorist humans and collects more data than the government in Minority Report.
However, it might matter to others.
Exhibit A: It matters to me.

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Not if you start filling up your home folders with MP4’s, music, pictures and other crap. You’ll start to see a speed decrease. Then we have to defrag normal hard drive or trim our SSD’s. This is why I highly recommend to everyone not to keep important stuff on their computers store it on a different drive, external if possible. I make double backups, onto Dropbox as well as on external drives. Label your drives and store the drives else where, but don’t get old and forget where you put them, like I do? Hence why I double back up anything important. My home folders are nearly empty, apart from one or two Deb Files, some thumbnails to work on in Gimp, everything else is else where.


You’re trying to say that we should try to keep our storage free as much as possible or keep our data to secondary drive ??

This is what has been said.

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