My first Debian attempt - And a second one

I don’t play kiddies games.
By the way what is “opininion” it is not in my dictionary and DeepL won’t translate it.
WiFi adapter is much cheper than a high end gaming machine that most regular people cannot afford. I have no doubt that Trisquel will do just what it says it will do 100%

Perhaps I can phone a friend… :wink:

I have the same problem with:



That is an incredibly stupid argument, because it just evades the high-end gaming machine argument stupidly AND no enthusiast will seriously consider WiFi on their high-end machine… WiFi is the poor man’s internet router connection.

What does it say? I should seed the torrent and hope I am lucky enough to have a stone old computer, so that all the drivers work out of the box? Not a good trade-off in my opinion.

Please do. I would like to hear another opinion. :slightly_smiling_face:

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As I am so helpful - and to save you the trouble - From the Mate dictionary on Trisquel: Forensic…

An exercise in debate; a forensic contest; an argumentative thesis.
Forensic Fo*ren"sic, a. [L. forensis, fr. forum a public place, market place. See Forum.] Belonging to courts of judicature or to public discussion and debate; used in legal proceedings, or in public discussions: argumentative; rhetorical; as, forensic eloquence or disputes.
As you can see from previous posts that American University Director mentions my adviser Tony Foale who appears in court around the world as an Expert Witness to give forensic grade evidence. I trust him without question. He advised me not to take on Harley Davidson or the American Motorcycle Media - naturally I took his advice. He recently went from Spain with work visa to USA to take post as Director of Innovation at Segway - presumably investors thought that there were no Americans suitable…?
Similarly when working for my clients forensic grade tests are required by statuary legislation independent from my calculations and stress analysis and when data has been stolen or divulged to third parties without consent or agreements broken; forensic evidence is gathered from computer devices for the Courts. FsF gnulinux prosecute those who break their license agreements and bring experts like my local security providers to give forensic evidence.

What is this argument - I don’t play stupid low brow games for children and have seen what it is doing to the young generation - most, if not all, look so ill and sickly - pathetic waste of best years of life in my humble opinion.
In business I have never seen anyone using an expensive gaming machine to do their work - it’s just not necessary and would be entirely stupid and a waste of money.
I have done many valid tests so far and we are all waiting for your long promised test to show how bad Trisquel is in producing work. Please complete it soon so that I can forward it for forensic testing. :wink:

You have literally no idea what you are talking about. :laughing:

Stop talking about things you have NO IDEA about.

I am currently working on my “expensive gaming rig”, that I need for work, as everyone else at my workplace also needs their own “expensive gaming rig”, to successfully do their work.

Ever heard of people who need to do a lot of stuff on their computer, at once, to be able to fulfill their professional assignments they are literally getting paid for? Like running 3 VMs and a big IDE like IntelliJ Idea at the same time? Obviously you have not. I doubt you even know what that is.

Now I understand the whole Trisquel thing. You think everyone on earth just needs a browser tab, simple image editing and maybe a word processor. Well, newsflash, there are people that need to do much more stuff on their computer…

None of your tests are “valid” in any way but for you personally… :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face:


Try running 3 VMs and IntelliJ Idea on your laptop, simultaneously. :wink:

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I just read my response again and noticed how I debunked your whole Trisquel talk in a single comment. I felt like beating a Flat Earther so much to the ground, he won’t ever lift himself up again.

You only have the choice to agree with me, at this point. Any attempt at repeating the “nobody needs an expensive machine for work” running gag would absolutely disqualify you from any further discussion.

Your arguments were just absolutely destroyed right now. Finally it’s over, you are done for good. :laughing:


:kissing_heart: :wink:

I’m one of the ‘poor’ people who can’t afford an expensive gaming rig although to me it is obvious that FOSS won’t be taken seriously until it is capable of running on newest hardware…
At present, open source is still seen as a ‘novelty’ for weirdo’s.
Probably the best (mis) quote would be Westinghouse to Tesla when Tesla wanted to transmit free electricity to the world ‘If I can’t put a meter on it and charge people, what is the use’
It’s still the same, no one has much interest in benefiting humanity, just cheap shots and lip service to further their own ends . As for having multiple things running at the same time so needing a very high power computer, in my experience, ‘multitasking’ means you can’t do anything properly but can do a half arsed job of everything at once (plus your only actually doing one thing at a time anyway)
(It’s probably how Microsoft developed Windows and why it needs a bazzillion lines of code which still fail? (BSOD)


Hey Dude, where did that come from…? :smiley:
You are talking about one of my “free thinking heroes” - I secretly incorporate his pump impeller into my designs and nobody even knows it’s there let alone what it does. :face_with_monocle:

I agree with you that it is better to get one thing done proper (as we say in the Black Country) than get so many things completely wrong :thinking:
Hey just look at the content a few posts above - just how wrong can content get :crazy_face:
I am happy for our good FOSSers, transient visitors and Noobs to decide who knows what they are talking about :roll_eyes: :wink:
Take Care and Stay Safe :mask:

ps Talking of Debian and amateur uninformed content have you read my post:

I would like to know your independent opinion - perhaps you could add your two penerth :thinking:

I read through some of the posts justifying ‘expensive gaming computers’.
I’ve got an even older computer than this one to try Trisquel on, probably the ‘lite’ version though. If it works for e-mail in the garage things will be ‘fine’

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